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The Art of Parenting

Parenting is a journey filled with highs and lows, joys and challenges, and the endless quest to nurture and guide your child. At times, it…
September 5, 2024

An Assorted Pick

Better parenting

Help! My Child Turned 18 and Want To Leave the House

I was privilege to be in the midst of some young adult 16-18years. One of them who just turned 18 was telling us how she…
Better parenting

I Want to Do It Myself Yet Wears Her Shoes the Wrong Feet

My daughter Omanibe was use to wearing her shoes the wrong feet, she’s very independent and she's in the class of "I want to do it…
Better parenting

Can These Children Just Keep Quiet, This Is Not a Playground, Their Noise Is Too Much

I take my daughter for swimming every Thursday evening, she always look forward to it because it's an opportunity for her to see her friends…
Better parenting
I Want to Leave Home So I Can Start Taking Responsibilities for Myself
Better parenting
Help! My Mum Love My Sister More Than Me
Better parenting
Better parenting
I Need Assistance from My Parents, but I don’t know how to ask
Better parenting
5 Activities that promotes learning and development in a child
Better parenting
I’m I truly over praising my child