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I grew up to know my mum and her friend very close. They have been friends for over 30 years and still counting. I have seen them cry, laugh, eat, dance and do all sorts together. Funny enough they have different temperament yet they understood themselves. Have they had differences? Oh yes! But they always have a reconciliation strategy they’ve built over the years. Some parents say my children are my friends, I don’t need any friend, friends are bad and my children are enough for me.

Are your children truly your best friend? don’t get me wrong, it is very ok to be close to your children and build relationships and friendship with them but your children may not have the mental capacity to advise you like your friends would do and there are some things that you may not be able to share with even your siblings or children but your friends you would, Sometimes, you feel lonely and just need your friend to talk to, a good friend will always be there.

No one is an island of themselves, we are all communal beings. Your children have their lives to live and what happens when they are no longer living with you? Fine you might have been hurt by one or two friends including me and that does not mean others are bad. We still have good people, kind hearted individuals everywhere. All you need is to ask God to connect you to that friend that sticks closer than a brother. Also, teach your children how to make good friends. Remember they’re watching YOU.

Vincent van says Close friends are truly life’s treasures. Sometimes they know us better than we know ourselves, . Also life is nothing without friendship says Cicero.

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