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As your children are going back to school, one of the skills you need to teach them is self reliance. I won’t want to go into details defining self reliance, but here is one scenario where self reliance can help your child.

A friend can say to your child “l don’t want to be your friend again.” This phrase is very common amongst children. Self reliance would help your child to say that’s all fine if you don’t want to be my friend again.

Self reliance would also help your child understand that, it’s not as if my friend don’t want to play with me anymore, she just need some space for a little while and trust me, she would definitely come back.
Let your child understand that her friend can’t be with him all the time. Many times, she may not be in the mood and it is fine. This will not make her feel bad and start tearing
Self reliance would empower your child to learn to play by herself and make the play so interesting to attract her friend or other friends who will want to play with her.

Self reliance would teach your child how to react and respond when her friend / friends say we aren’t playing with you any longer you silly banana , teach your child to use eye contact to respond eg STOP IT, I DON’T LIKE IT using their loud voices and teach them how to leave an area where there is bully and speak up to an adult.

Dear intentional parents, when i say parenting is had work, it is indeed!
these are skills that can be learnt, equip your children with knowledge to defend themselves, remember you can’t be with them all the time. Eleanor Roosevelt says no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

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