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Children, as they get older, they ask loads of questions like ‘’why”  where does baby come from, where does our poo go etc. this is because at this developmental stage, they have a high need to learn and  they’re curious about their world and their environment. I understand that some of these questions can put parents off balance or make them  uncomfortable, but the truth is helping them understand their curiosity or their questions will help boost their desire to learn.

The thing is, if your child ask you questions you are not prepared for, it is very OK to tell your child to give you some time while you go think it through rather than just answering what you’re not sure of as long as is not an emergency rather than rushing to just answer your child.

When your child asks you, mummy, where does babies come from? This is why I encourage parent to teach their children their body part as early as possible and name exactly what it is because by so doing, it makes you and your child to feel more empowered and conformable during this type of conversation.

Based on your child’s age, use age-appropriate words and your child’s level of maturity to explain to your child where babies come from without sugar quoting it e.g. say a 4-years –old, who already knows and understands her body parts, may just want to know how baby get out of your body while a 6-years –old may just want to know how babies are actually made. Try and be honest as much as you can because if your child feels dishonesty, your child will not trust you again and will not ask you questions again but may seek answers from friends, or somewhere else and avoid using the wrong words because it can actually scare your child when you do so.

Also, if you feel you’re not comfortable answering your child’s question, say your secondary school child, I will advise you get daddy or any trusted adult that you know, trust and your child is comfortable with to help you answer your child’s questions because at this stage, your child may probably know some aspect and may just want to share his thoughts or may just want to learn more.

Whatever the case, your child’s questions will help you understand your child’s level of maturity and understanding of the subject matter, so I encourage you to use it as a teachable and bonding moments. Remember you have only one chance to parent your child so make every moment spent together with your child count.

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