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Temperament is simply why you act the way you do. It is your child’s innate traits, your child’s biological make-up. It also a kind of pattern in your child’s behavior and the way your child relates to the world. It is the reason why a particular child cannot sit for 5mins at a go while another child can sit for hours. It is the reason a child will cry over his ripped book while another child might not even notice. The reason a child will be the first to raise hands to answer question even though he knows nothing about it while another child who truly have answers to the question may not put up his hands except, he’s been asked to do so.  Every child is different and unique in their own way. Understanding your child’s temperament will help you better relate to your child.

Types of temperaments

  1. The phlegmatic child: they are introverted nature, most likeable, lovable, very peaceful, and calm and they enjoy their comfort zone. They are the ones they may not show interest in things even when they have the skills needed. They know what to do but procrastination prevent them. They lack internal drive, can be easily influenced, fearful, stubborn, and indifferent.


  1. The Melancholy Child: they are introverted in nature, the most gifted of all, everything must be perfect to make them satisfied, they’re very creative, talented, very organized, sensitive, diligent and very responsible. They’re pessimistic, untrusting, and very secretive and may suffer low self-esteem.


  1. The Sanguine Child: they are super active with high energy, they love to be in charge and center of attention, they can be and do whatever they want to do because of their emotions, and they are fun and loving set of people. They’re people oriented, they love colors’ even in their dressing, the can be touchy, non-judgmental, they get bored easily, can be very forgetful, they exaggerate, highly disorganized, emotionally unstable, easily distracted and impulsive.


  1. The Choleric Child: they have high energy, they love to be in charge at all times, very ambitious, goal getter, they thrive on challenges, they are result-driven, problem solver, risk takers, very bold, they’re good with delegations. They can be domineering, unsympathetic, competitive, proud, bossy, and unremorseful after committing an offense.

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