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This friend in particular is struggling financially. She’s very smart, intelligent, and very economical in nature, life just happened to her. Every time I talk to her on the phone, she kind of gives me updates as to how, where she’s at in her business. She knows what she’s doing. All she needs is just that little support to boost her business.

Whenever we finish talking, the thing that comes to my mind is tell her to ask her parents. I know her family very well, and I know that the parents can help her with the support she needs to get her going.

So after our conversation as usual, I asked her, “are your parents aware of what you’re going through” she replied kind of and I’m like what do you mean? She said she and her parents talk on a daily basis and that most times, the dad will ask her if she’s okay because she’s not sounding too happy on the phone that she’ll always reply “dad I’m just going through some set back and is affecting my finances”. She said her dad would encourage her and tell her she’ll be fine. She said Dumebi, even the monthly income I give them every month, I have not been consistent.

Then, I said to her I think you should open up to them because at this moment she’s already borrowing to pay bills, She claimed her dad may not believe her that she’s stylishly ask him before and he told her that everything he has is for her and her siblings and that by the time he passes onto glory, you’ll know that I your dad, I have done well for all of you my children.

Again, I encouraged her to speak to her dad and mom and tell them everything she’s going through that I think is because they don’t have full understanding of what she’s going through and that that’s why they’re acting the way they do. She said OK Dumebi, I will try.

Few days later, she called me and was so excited and I’m like what’s going on? With so much joy and happiness, she said her parents felt for over what she’s been going through after she’s opened up to them and they we’re not even happy that she didn’t tell them all along. According to her She said her dad in his statement said “who I mine laboring for if not for you, all you my children “she said her dad gave her a reasonable sum of money to clear her debts and promised to support her business.

For me; sometimes people don’t know what you’re going through until you open up to them, including your parents. They don’t read mind, so they may not know what’s happening to you until you tell them.

Dear intentional parents, this post is about you. I encourage you to assist and support your children when it is needed. Sometimes life happens and nobody prays it happens to us but then when it does, please support your children in every way that you can.

Sometimes, your children may not need financial support but emotional one. They just need a trusted being they can cry to. This reminds me of a story someone share me last week of how her mother was always there to support her emotionally. In her words “it’s not as if she has the solutions to my problem but listening to my cries, reassuring me that everything will be was it for me , I miss her a great deal ” at this point she became teary. That they have YOU to talk to is a great privilege.

Sometimes, they just need you to join faith with them over certain things. It not as if they can’t pray, study the word of God or don’t believe God will hear and answer them when they pray but there’s something peculiar about parents prayers over their children, it is so powerful. This reminds me of I and my dad. When the burden is so heavy on me and I can’t bear it anymore, I call him and once he says let us pray, forget it, that case is settled.

So I encourage parents to support their children in any way they can. Give them the support, encouragement when they need it otherwise it may be of no essence if after they have scaled through and here you are leaving them with all your mansions and all. They may not value it or maybe too late for them.  Let them enjoy the gift of a parenting advantage.


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