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Dear intentional parent, I completely understand how you feel and your situation at the moment. It can be hard when you’re doing exactly the same thing you want your children to stop doing. This is why I always say that once you become intentional in your parenting, a lot of things about you changes and I’m happy that you have come to your realization and want a change.

This is what I will suggest. First is to have a family meeting about the subject matter, say things like ” I know that you all enjoy sweets including mummy and daddy but I think we are having it too much ” what do you think? This opportunity will make them feel important and give them a strong sense of voice that shows they’re part of the family. Give them room to express what they feel and think? At this point, some of them may not agree with you. It is expected and very normal.

Also, together with them, do research on the effect or consequences of having too much sweet. Talk about how it may affect their learning, how it can lead to diabetes, chronic diseases, tooth ache and decay if possible watch short videos on YouTube because visual aid helps children learn better and this works very well for my children. After watching and doing all the research together, ask them, “is this what you want?”

Again, ask your individual child, “How do we reduce our too much sweets intake? Listen to their contributions; afterwards, you and your hubby should also share your thoughts on that.

That you’re giving your children room for choices and decisions doesn’t mean they’re in charge. It is YOU who is in charge, not them. Again, I suggest you don’t cut them off or stop them completely from having sweet. Is it natural for them to love sweets, this is what they’ve been used to. Stopping them completely will not be fair on them. It is a gradual process. You can choose maybe once or twice a week, a specific time where you all can collectively come together and enjoy your special sweets. Remember to give them two or three options of sweet.

Remember that your children will push boundaries with this new rule. Even you or your husband may be tempted at some point, but know that your children are watching you so don’t break the rule else they’ll not take your words seriously anymore and for your children, be firm, be consistent. Empathize when they push boundaries and be patient.

Make this time very special, you can watch a movie together or do anything they enjoy together. Make this time special, make it count and memorable. By so doing, they’ll look forward to it and they’ll enjoy every moment with mummy and daddy special sweets time.

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