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What is permissive parenting?   It simply means when a parent is permissive, they allow their child to do what they want.

They’re very indulgent. Whatever their child wants is what they get as long as they can afford it, especially if it is one of those things they lacked as parents while growing up. The Child decides what she wants or wants to do and the parent just obeys.

They’re child’s happiness is a core thing for them. They believe in this saying that ‘’ everything I did not have or enjoy growing up, my child is going to have and enjoy them all. They believe that their child is their friend and they want to become their children’s friend. They literally do everything for their child without assigning any age-appropriate task or chores.

A permissive parent believes that there’s no perfect home so they permit and accept bad behaviors from their child. I agree that there’s no perfect home but then that shouldn’t make us accept ill behavior from our children just because they’re one.

Also, they give too much power to their children including a decision that’s not age-appropriate.

They leave their children to figure things out themselves without any parental involvement. They never spent time teaching/training their child how to solve problems nor being present to give directions to their children, because of the power they have given to their child, the child then becomes the one who picks morals.

This they do by constantly asking their child’’ what do you think is right, wrong, is that true or false. While this is supposed to be the role of parents to guide their children from choosing what is right from wrong, they kind of leave their child to decide which then leads the child to poor decision making?

They never set rules, systems, structures, boundaries for their child to follow and can be very unpredictable in their dealings with their child. A child can throw a glass of cup on the floor, break it today and a permissive parent will look at it then say ‘’is fine, he’s just child’’ and will do nothing to correct the behavior of the child. The same child another time or day will throw another glass of cup on the floor and they’ll overreact with ‘’ what’s the matter with you? Why did you break that glass and they will end up hitting/smacking their child. There’s no consistency in their parenting, their response and reaction is based on their feelings per-time.

This kind of parenting style is been proven to be the most parenting style with negative impact on child now and when the child grows to become an adult later in life. I encourage YOU parents to have a rethink of all the negative impacts it have on a child and decide if that’s what you would want for your child now or in future.

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