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Authoritarian parents are parents who believe that since they’re the parents, they know more than their children do; they believe that since they’re an adult, they are the head of the home meaning that their children must obey their authority.

They make all the decisions, choices they feel are good for their children without putting their children’s feelings into consideration. They usually have high expectations for their children. They believe that children are not meant to be heard but only seen. Their children are only permitted to speak when they’re asked to do so.

Authoritarian parents believe so much in the use of punishment and rewards for their children. When they set rules, they expect their children to obey it and if they do obey, they get rewarded but if they disobey, the children get punished.

An authoritarian parent want their children to say yes sir Mummy/Daddy at all times, else they suffer the consequences. They usually have one way of communication. Their children’s feelings do not matter to them as long as they obey and do as they’re told. They’re very firm and strict. They use words like ‘’ get dressed now because we’re going to the shop’’ their child dares not ask ‘’why’’ otherwise, he will be punished.  They may not necessarily use cane to punish their children but the child must suffer consequences of any misbehavior’s.  These Children are not part of the decision –making in the home and are not given rooms for choices not in any circumstances.

Future Consequences

Studies have shown that children who grow up in authoritarian households are more likely to be obedient children. This is because they’re already used to the adults in their lives telling them what and what not to do and have made decisions for them.

They struggle big time making decisions for themselves and they end  up depending on others and will seek validations form friends or people around. They end up being followers and people pleasers even when they seem uncomfortable. They lack the strong-will to say ‘’NO’’

They struggle with low self-esteem, they tend to be shy, they usually think they can’t do anything, solve problems by themselves, they feel I’m not important. I don’t deserve anything good. Some of them become rebellious in their later life.

Dear intentional parent, I do not recommend this type of parenting style because of the negative effects it has on children in their lives now and later lives. The question now is “are you an authoritarian parent?”  It is never too late to change your style and the best time to start is NOW.

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