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I was going to work with a lady recently on a project and by the time we got talking, she told me how much she wanted to breastfeed her twins , she had looked forward to it and prepared for it,  she eat every food she was meant to eat while she was pregnant.


By the time her adorable came, it was shocking for her to see that she was unable to breastfeed her children. She was unable to produce breast milk not even a drop. This landed her in a depressed state. She kept wondering and asking herself why she’s not producing milk. She seeks medical advice and did literally everything in her power to produce milk abut all to no avail. She was very sad and full of guilt. She kept telling herself that she’s a failure as a mother. In fact, she had a drop of tears telling me this.


The first thing I did was to empathize with her by saying; I totally understand you and all the stress that you have gone through during this period. I’m sorry to hear all of this. Again, I encouraged her that life happens and some things are beyond us as humans and there’re things we cannot change or have control of. I told her it wasn’t her fault that life happens sometimes. That she was unable to breastfeed her twins does not make her less of a mother.


You’re still the super mother I said to her.  I also reminded her that it shouldn’t stop her from believing and talking about breastmilk and breastfeeding. I told her that together we’re a voice to create awareness for those who can but choose not to, for those who genuinely want to but are unable to that together we’re  all part of the motherhood  to give every child the best start in life.


#Dumebi #breastfeeding #breastmilk


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