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My daughter and I went to make our hair few days ago, on getting there, the stylist gave us a very warm welcome and asked ‘’ does your daughter cries when she’s making her hair’’?  I said no she doesn’t cry as long as her mouth is busy and she’s got something to watch with frequent breaks she’s good to go. Then she said OK and then ask for her age and I told her. These were same questions she asked me before I booked in for the appointment.

Afterwards, she asked who will go first for the hair making then I said I will go first and she made a very satisfying and beautiful hair for me.

Then it was my daughter’s turn, right there I realized I didn’t come with the elastic band for her hair. While she’s was still combing her hair, I asked her if I can quickly go home and pick up the hair band, is just few minutes’ drives and she said fine. Got close to my daughter and explained to her that I was going to pick the band that I won’t be long and she said OK so I gave her crisps and water then left.

By the time I got back, a familiar church member was there with her daughter but I noticed my daughter was crying with tears all over her face. I quickly ask her, are you ok? Is your hair paining you? She nodded No! why are you crying? she didn’t say anything.

I turned to the stylist and asked her if she was crying when I left? She said no that she started crying when the church member walked in so, I said probably she thought it was going to be her mummy. I turned to her and said, is ok, mummy is here now and I’m not going anywhere again until you finish your hair, wiped her tears and gave her a drink.

The next thing the stylist said was ” I’m not going to make her hair again; it gets to me when children cry” quickly I used my pause button and said it is okay for her to cry if she wants to cry it doesn’t matter if you will make her hair again or not.

For me, I’m happy that my child is able to express her feelings even if she didn’t tell me what happened but for the fact that she was able to let those tears out is it for me. She should be able to express what she feels at every given time e.g., laugh, cry, sad, tired, hungry, happy, sick, etc. at every point in time. I don’t want to raise a child who will grow into adulthood and not have the ability to express herself.

Every child should be allowed to express how they feel per time. denying them the ability to express their emotion can have a huge impact in their lives now as a child and even when the grow to become an adult.  No wonder we have some adult who even when they’re in pain, cannot tell anyone, not even relations or close friends or you see some who cannot express how they feel when their spouse, friends, relations or outsiders offend them. They don’t have the ability to have a conversation with their offender.

Also, you see some who are too afraid to share their wins that they have worked so hard for. They’re scared people will say they’re been proud. This isn’t what I want for my child and I know you do not want same for your child too.

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