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I woke up at about 5a.m., prayed, by 6a.m I was off the bed straight to the kitchen. I made okro soup, cooked beans, prepared jollof rice and sauce. Afterwards, I did a quick mopping and cleaning and gave the children their shower, I had mine and my daughter was picked by my friend for barley.

I was left with my son. Usually, Saturdays are his TV days so he asked, mummy, can I have my TV. I said sure you can. I turned it on for him while I made my blog post. After that, I reminded him of his 1hour TV. Meaning he should turn the TV off. This he did without resistance. He asked for snacks, I gave him, by the time he was done, he picked up a book and asked me to read for him. After that, I told him to play with his toys but he ended up bringing out all the books from the shelf and drawls while he was doing that, I was reading a book.

At some point, we both had our lunch. Already, I have pleaded with my friend to help me drop my daughter after her barley at my sister’s place so she can get her hair done. I picked up the same book I was reading earlier, read a few pages, and started sorting out clothes the children and I were going to wear for the event we were attending in the evening.

I didn’t have issues with Goldens choice of clothes, but did with his shoes.  The shoe he wanted wasn’t fitting anymore and he refused to pick from his fitted ones. He started his tantrums, was crying and rolling on the floor. I ensured his environment was safe then I left him to start my ironing.

Before I finished ironing, he was already calm, I got him dressed, asked him again what shoe he wanted to wear? He picked same shoes and I said OK, let’s try it on you. We tried and tried and tried, the more we tried, the more he was asking ‘’mummy why is my shoe not fitting’’? I replied ‘’Is it because it is not your size anymore’’ I asked him, should we find another fitting one? He said yes. so, I quickly brought out two that I knew would fit him and asked him, which one do you want to try on first? He pointed at one, and we both tried and screamed is fitting now with excitement. Again, I asked him, are you happy with that? He said yes, and that was how we resolved it.

Now it’s time to go pick my daughter up from my sister’s place so we can go for our event. We got to the car, he asked, mummy, can I sit at the front with you? No! Golden, the police are going to be sad with me if you sit at the front and mummy will be in trouble, is that what you want? He said NO. He left and sat on the sister’s car seat.

Got to my sister’s house, she was just finishing my daughter’s hair. I hurriedly dressed her up and then said Goldens!  come on, let’s go. He said no, he wasn’t going anymore that he wanted to stay back. Ok, fine, you can stay. After a few minutes, he said he wanted to go, and then I said OK if you’re ready, we are, the next thing I heard was mummy, I changed my mind now I don’t want to go anymore. Ok, I will see you later and pleaded with my sister to try and put him to sleep because he didn’t nap earlier.

My daughter and I headed for the event, which we both enjoyed and had so much fun. I got to my sister’s house a few minutes past nine in the evening after the event, and my son was already asleep, carried him and left. Immediately we got home, it was as if something happened to them that I wasn’t aware of. These children started crying, screaming seriously, I just kept wondering what could have gone wrong. I was very calm to be honest, I was thinking maybe they want sleep because they usually go to bed by 8pm.

For my daughter, I was sure it was sleep, but for my son, I wasn’t too sure because he was already sleeping even though I did not ask the time he fell asleep. My daughter insisted she wanted her pyjamas on which I managed to assist her with while my son didn’t want to have one. Afterwards, I turned the light off, read Psalm 23 for them but before I finish reading, they both fell asleep.

I just sat down and was thinking through what just happened earlier if that was a film and then said thank you GOD for your strength and wisdom, If I wasn’t intentional, I think I would have reacted or over reacted.

The truth is, this is what most mothers go through on a daily basis. I wonder how single mothers cope, honestly, my heart goes out for you. Honestly, looking after children can be very stressful and challenging, but in all of this, I want you to take a good look at yourself, call your name and say WELLDONE. Tell yourself, I’m doing well and I’m doing my best.

This is what most of us do day to day, months to months and year to year. This is another year that’s about to end. I encourage you to appreciate yourself and gift yourself a befitting GIFT before anyone else. I’m here to let you know that you’ve done well for yourself even though there’s room for improvement.

Happy new Month and welcome to the month of December!

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