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So, while I was trying to park my car after school pick up yesterday, I noticed my lovely neighbor and her children getting out from their car, returning from school. I also noticed they all stood by the walk way after they got out of their car, they were literally waiting. I said to myself, I think they’re waiting for me so I hurried with my parking and got out.

We were all excited to see each other, including the kids. In fact, they were more excited than we the parents. It was as if we hadn’t seen each other for ages. One of them won an award and told me about it, they told me about their school and what they did at school. I asked them, what are you doing for Christmas and they said, “Oh! Our Christmas tree is up and that they’re doing loads of painting and card making”. I responded wow that will be nice.

At the end of the day, I and my children went to their apartment to see their beautiful Christmas tree. Afterwards, the children took turns to sing, and we all happily sang together. By the time we finished, I told them we will be leaving now that we’ll plan a special meeting before Christmas, and one of them said Saturday, so I said we will see how it goes.

I said Oma and Golden, it’s time to go home , we all walked towards the door, Golden was reluctant to leave, then, I said, Golden Come on, is home time, He said, NO mummy. At this point, he was already sat at their stairs.

In my mind, I was already thinking, this is our first time in this apartment how can you just stay just like that. All my efforts to get him were abortive, and I told myself why I am worrying. If he wants to stay back, let him stay back. So, I said to him, myself and Oma are leaving now are you happy to stay back? He nodded his head his head with YES then I gave him a hug, and he gave me high-five. I turned to my neighbor and said, “Please call me if he changes his mind and left.

When we got home, my daughter said, “Mummy, why did Golden not come with us?” I replied because he wanted to spend some more with them, and again, probably because he had his age mate and two older boys that he could play with. The next thing she said was “I miss him” I replied I know you do, she then went to her room to change.

After  that, I asked her what she wanted for lunch, she said rice then I heat it up with the microwave, gave it to her and she said, mummy, I will wait for Golden. I said FINE. So after about half an hour, I told her I was going to get Golden so they can eat together and with excitement she said OK.

We live adjacent to each other so it was less than a minute walk. I knocked and the door was opened behold my Golden boy was having so much fun. Playing and was so happy so I said to him Oma is missing you and waiting for you so you can have lunch together. There was no resistance this time around, he followed me then I thanked my neighbor for their time and left.

If I wasn’t an intentional parent, I would never had allowed my son stay back without me being there especially being the first time. Before now I used to be overprotective of my children but overtime I have learnt to relax and calm down as long as they’re in safe hands. Overprotective parenting can come in different forms. For some, it is rescuing their children at all times, while some can’t take their eyes off them in park just because of fear of them getting hurt or being injured, for others they literally do everything for their child no matter the cost and many more.

Dear parents, I encourage you to know that there’s no perfect parents. Every parent in one way or other has made mistakes in their parenting journey. Again, parenting mistakes is part of your learning process and it gives you opportunity to learn and do things better. I believe you do not want to raise fearful, entitled, or incompetent children. Think about ways you’re overprotecting your child and adjust while you correct and support your children in love with calmness, firmness and with set boundaries.

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