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It’s that time of the year when you get your children to appreciate all those who have in one way or the other contributed in their lives. This could be their aunties, uncles, grannies, teachers in school/church and even their friends at home and abroad.

Showing appreciation does not have to be with money, but could be a gift no matter how small it is, You might even say, Oh! I don’t have a gift and I can’t afford one, Is quite understanding when you don’t genuinely have after all, you can’t give what you don’t have but something can still be done.  You may get your children to make cards for them instead of buying an already made one.

All you need to do depending on your child’s age, ask them who are those special in their lives, Write them down, get the number of paper cards, get paint, coloring pens, and crafts items. If they’re older, I will suggest you leave them completely to design the cards however they want it, but if they’re young, let them be in charge, it’s their cards not yours, so, give them that option to choose or decide if is painting, drawing, sticking they want to do. Please, by all means, avoid the temptation of designing it for them, Leave them to design what they want in their own capability, It doesn’t have to be perfect. Their uncles, aunties and teachers would understand and appreciate them for it. All they need from you is provision and guidance.

They can as well write an appreciation letter to them expressing how wonder they’ve been in their lives. Like I said earlier, you can assist your younger child but older ones, leave them to write it even if just ‘’ Thank You’’ or ”Merry Christmas” is fine.

Again, in the process of making the cards, they’ll be so much mess, and waste of paints, papers and resources generally, we all know that children will always be children, so be calm and be patient else the purpose will be defeated which is not our goal.

Expect your children to make fun out of it, if is not fun, they’re not interested. Some will rub it on their faces, heads, clothes, walls, cabinets, etc., especially for younger children. All of these make it fun, quick wipe afterwards will do the wonders, so don’t worry too much.

Giving your children the opportunity to do these activities is not only about the fun, it will help you build strong relationship with your child, lots of communication will take place which will give your child the opportunity to learn new vocabularies, it will also teach your child about giving and appreciations, it will help build attention span for your child and promote hand and eye coordination for younger children , it will enhance creativity in them, it will meet their needs for competence and autonomy.

Remember, a competent child is a confident child; it will even give you the opportunity to understand what your children know and what they can do. Your child will learn different skills like teamwork, problem solving skills, listening skills and many more; above all, it will create a lasting memories for your child and your entire family.

If you need any more help, please don’t forget to reach out. Let’s together give our children a good childhood memories.

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