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Is that time of the year when we celebrate Christmas, Christmas is an annual celebration of the birth of Jesus who is believed to be born on 25th of December.  The question is, do our children truly understand the entire story and the significance meaning of the birth of Jesus Christ?   I invite you to use this great opportunity to share with them if you haven’t done that.

We also see it as a means where we all come together with loved ones, friends to eat, share gifts, have fun and merry together, however, Christmas should not just be about eating, drinking, buying expensive clothes for ourselves and our children or using it as an opportunity to make adults hair styles for your girls, there’s nothing like is because is Christmas, let your child be a child, don’t take childhood from your child all in the name of Christmas, including your boys and their haircuts remember that, is not all there is to Christmas.

Dear intentional parents, I understand Christmas clothes is a tradition for us, however Christmas clothes are not a do or die affair, if you can afford it, go for it, if not, please, don’t put yourselves under unnecessary pressure all because you want to conform to the society norms, there’s a lot of pressure out there all in the name of Christmas, avoid unhealthy competition by all means, no award would be given to you that you and your children were best dressed. Please, live within your means.

A pajama is more than enough for them to wear on that day. Christmas should be calm without any form of stress. Christmas should be an opportunity for building or connecting with your child, it’s a time to come together as families and be grateful to God for all his faithfulness and be grateful towards one another.

Remember your children’s break is just for few weeks so I encourage you to make every minute with your children memorable.  It is important you spend quality time with your children in this holiday season and significantly, be vigilant about their safety, teaching your children about boundaries and recognizing signs of potential harm are valuable.

Guide your children jealously, holiday period is said to be the most period sexual molestation takes place, sexual molestation is a serious issue, and taking proactive steps to protect children is of utmost importance. Being mindful about caregivers, establishing open communication are important factors.

Lastly, Jesus Christ is our ultimate Christmas gift and the source of our salvation.  He was born so that you, I and our children might be saved. I pray that this purpose will not be in forfeited in our lives. AMEN!

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