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My family and I were invited to a church for Lord’s feast yesterday. As at the time we got there, they were having quiz competition, the quiz competition was so interesting. Afterwards, there were other activities before refreshment, what is generally known as “ITEM 7.”


My family and I sat at the front; we were served meal first. I had also noticed a young lady and baby girl that was less than 2-years-old behind us, I was enjoying my delicious and well-prepared Amala while my family were having jollof rice and you know is almost impossible for children to eat without a drop of food on the floor.


All of a sudden, I noticed a movement under my chair just for me to check, I realize it was this little girl trying to pick crumbs of food from the floor. I carried her on my lap then turned to check for her mum but I realized she wasn’t on her sit, few minutes later, I saw her with another child of same age, a boy this time around. I was in awe so I asked, are they twins? She smiled and replied yes, I said to her well-done and she said thank you for your help.


The next thing she said was she was going to get her food, at this point, there was a little bit of queue at the food stand which means she may have to wait for a little while and the girl I was carrying was obviously hungry.  So, I asked her to get her small chops prior to when it reaches her turn.


You need to see this baby girl eat her chops very funny, happy and at the same time hungry. Immediately she finished, she pushed to get down so I let her, only for her to bend for the crumbs on the floor meaning she was still very hungry. So, I carried her again on my lap and distracted her with my phone it wasn’t long her mum came with their food.


Here is my advice to parents with children, please before you leave your house for an event or visit of any kind, ensure you feed your children. Don’t rely on the food you’ll get from wherever place you’re going because sometimes it’s not guaranteed, sometimes it takes a while to get to your turn just like what happened in this event. Go along with food, snacks, biscuits, fruits, water or anything you know your child eats. Children are like birds; they eat every now and then especially the younger ones.


Secondly, in this woman’s case, she obviously had twins and I know what that means but I would advise, whether twin or one child, please always ask for help. Never leave your child on their own to attend to something else. This is why we have people around us.  No, you’re not an island.  This was a church program with people sitting close to her, what stops her from saying ‘’ please can you help me keep an eye on her, I will be back in few minutes’’. Remember this little girl is less than two and you know what that age is like.  She wants to explore, learn, discover her new environment, she wants to put everything in her mouth. So, asking another adult to help you keep eye on her is to ensure your child’s safety.


Thirdly, dear intentional parents, I believe we’re all responsible adults, please whether a child is in your care or not safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility. It is not until you’re asked by a parent before you do so. Don’t forget our reason for the season. Jesus cared for all including children, he loved equally and showed kindness to everyone including children. Remember this woman in question has twins, obviously her hands are full. Let’s be there for one another. It could be ME or YOU tomorrow.

Season’s Greeting.

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