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If you know me, you’ll know that I’m very big on creating childhood memories that will last for children and one of the ways to achieve this is through singing. Singing is a way of helping children experience joy in their childhood. The memories you create for your child is dependent on who they truly become in the future. So, singing with your child(ren) irrespective of their age should be part of their growing up process. It is one of the most interesting activities children look forward to because it is fun again, remember for a child to be interested in your activities, it must be fun because this is part of who they are. According to Dr. Anita Collins, author of “The Music Advantage: How Music Helps Your Child Develop Learn and Thrive, she says, “Songs is our very first language, and it is an incredible mechanism to connect with babies and other human beings.” I’m not sure there’s a day that passes by in my home where my children and I don’t sing. We love and enjoy singing, it’s part of who we are now as a family. There’s no right or wrong way of singing. In fact, you can formulate your own song but the most important thing is that you’re singing with your child.

See below why you should sing for your child(ren)

Singing is a tool for bonding and connecting with your child;

One of the ways I connect with my children is through singing. Just like yesterday, I asked them “what song would you like us to sing”, they both chose a song and we all happily sang together and you need to see the true joy that comes with it. The good part about singing with your children is that it does not require a long period of time and there’s no special time to sing with your children. Singing can be done any day and anytime. If you have younger children, you can sing while giving a shower, changing nappies, dressing up, before bedtime, in the car, anywhere. if you have older children, you can create a time where you all come together as family to sing.  Give your children the opportunity to pick the song they want to sing and how they want to sing and just sing along with them. The most important thing here is singing.

Singing helps your child develop social skills;

Children tune in to the lyrics and melodies of songs, as well as the voices of their fellow singers in any group setting. This aids in improving their attentiveness and adaptability in social settings. Furthermore, group singing, be it at home, in choirs or musical ensembles, promotes cooperation and collaboration. It requires working together and blending voices to create a harmonious experience. This not only enhances your  child’s sense for teamwork but also cultivates their ability to work with others effectively.

Language Development:

Singing exposes  your child to a wide range of vocabulary and helps them understand sentence structure. It also improves their pronunciation and makes language more engaging and memorable through rhythmic and melodic patterns. Singing involves the use of language, helping your child to expand their vocabulary and refining their pronunciation and language comprehension.

Listening Skills:

Singing encourages active listening as your child pays attention to the melody, rhythm, and lyrics. This can enhance their auditory discrimination skills and improve their ability to accurately distinguish between different sounds. It helps your child listen to themselves.

Singing helps your child’s brain to develop:

There is no doubt that singing plays a crucial role in the positive development of a child’s brain. Not only is it an enjoyable activity, but it also contributes to various aspects of cognitive development in your  child.

Dear intentional parents, I encourage  you to always make out time to sing with your children. 10-15minutes a day is more than enough to give your child a childhood memory that will last to adulthood. Every child deserves happy childhood.

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