As usual, weekdays are for school runs. From waking up time until leaving the house, everything was going on smoothly with no pressure. The children cooperated so well and this made us finish 10minutes before our usual leaving home time. This was around 8:10 and we usually leave the house at about 8:20 because the gate opens by 8:30 -8:45am.
When I realized we had 10mins before leaving the house, I decided to use it for a quick tidy before I knew what was happening, it was already 8:30. OMG! was the first thing I said with panic. At this time, GOLDEN had already taken his coat and shoes off while OMA had hers. Looked for GOLDEN’S shoes, coat and helped him get them on. Come on guys let’s go and they both were dragging feet so I said, “let’s see who will be the first to get out of the door”, this is just for me to get them out. While I opened the door, I quickly ran out and they followed suit, I closed the door from behind, immediately it dawned on me that I had left the key behind the door.
Not again I said to myself while the children were asking mummy, why did you say that? I was about to blame them that it was because they were dragging their feet hence the reason I left the key behind the door, I just ignored them. This is the third time this incident has happened to me. The last time it happened, it took a professional who came in less than a minute to open the door with a cost of £131. Till date, I’m still asking myself the magic he did that very day.
I told myself NO! I’m not going to spend a dime today. Come on children let’s go to school. While we were in the car, I said to them OMA, GOLDEN, I’m sorry I left the key behind the door, it was all my fault and I take responsibility for it. So, what do you think mummy can do next time in order not to leave the key behind the door again I asked? OMA said, maybe I should be holding the key while everybody goes out then you can lock the door while GOLDEN said, I want to hold the key too. Okay since both of you want to be taking the key out, how do we go about that? They concluded that they’ll both take turns to do it starting on Saturday.
I dropped her, came back straight home, you won’t believe I have booked an appointment for someone coming by 9:00am. We got home hmm! Reality done on me. What I’m going to do, the cold too was not helping at all. So, I ask GOLDEN to remain in the car. Went straight to the door and said God help me, I honestly don’t know what to do. The person I had appointment with for 9:00 showed up, I explained the situation of things to him, he tried to help but couldn’t he told me a few things to try all to no avail then I told him he can go that I don’t want to keep him waiting especially when I don’t know how and when I’m going to sort myself out. So, he said if you’re able to sort it out before 10:30am, call me I’ll still be able to come back so I thanked him then he left.
Right there I said the same prayer again, had a deep breath and said Dumebi, you’ll be fine! I tried the same technique the guy told me behold! the door opened. It was a shock for me and I was so happy and said thank you lord.
Moral lesson for me first is taking responsibility for my actions. I left the key behind the door and that’s the fact irrespective of the circumstances behind it.
Secondly, it would have been better for us to leave and be early than doing otherwise. Also, assuming I had enough time especially when I’m with children is not predictable. If I was all by myself, I’m sure I would be fine, but understanding that children will be children and they’re not predictable. Imagine the time it took me to look for his coat and shoes.
Thirdly, like I said earlier, I panicked a little when I realized I was ten minutes late and coupled with the fact that I was looking for shoes and a coat. The truth is, whatever it is no matter the situation, calmness in the midst of a storm is the key because if I panic, the children too will panic and will leave all of us in chaos. Funny enough, we arrived at 8:42, we still had 3minutes before the gate is closed.
Fourthly, seeing mistakes as a learning opportunity. I used this as an opportunity to learn when I asked the children what went wrong, what we can do better next time and this was a big problem solving for me.
Lastly, trust in God no matter the situation, seek help, believe in yourself and take action.