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It is one thing to have a child; it is another thing to understand your child. Until eighteen years of age, your child is still a child and will exhibit childish behaviour. Why? Your child’s brain is not fully developed; therefore, your child wants you to know:


1.     Mummy and Daddy, I know you love me; I want you to love me unconditionally. I want you to love me when I behave, when I get  A*, and I still want you to love me when I pull all the clothes out from the draw, when I make so much mess with water and soap, when I get into an argument with you, when I annoy you with all my why questions, when all I want to do is to stay on the phone and just chat with my friends, when I want to be quiet and by myself—love me. Mum or Dad, I want you to genuinely love me in my good and bad times.


2.     Dear Mummy and Daddy, I want you to know that I genuinely want to be a good child. Sometimes, I am caught up in making bad decisions. I want you to also know that what you term ‘good’ may not be the same to me, and this is because my generation is completely different to yours. All I want from you is to teach and show me how to become a ‘good’ child.


3.     I am listening to what you have said and what you are saying to me. I know many times you feel I am not actually listening to you, and I know this is because I do not show it. The truth is I am truly listening; I want you to understand that when it comes to expressing my emotions, my generation is different to yours.


4.     Mum, Dad, my challenges are real and where I am at the moment is certainly not the same as when you were a child like me.  My day care, nursery, school, college, or university (in 2024) is not the same as yours. Please understand that I am going through different issues and please support me.


5.     I am only a child, so let me be one. Let me enjoy that hair style, water splash, rolling on the floor, playing with the sand, I don’t need to become a footballer before I enjoy playing football with my friends; let me enjoy my ballet dance without becoming a ballerina; let me enjoy my basketball with my friend; let me enjoy going to the park; let me enjoy each year of my life: 1-year-old, 5-year-old, 12-year-old till I am 18 years.  I don’t need to be a lawyer, medical doctor, consultant, an accountant, a coach, content creator, youtuber, teacher, dancer etc. Mum and Dad, I am only an 8-year-old child, let me enjoy my gymnastics.

Dear intentional parent, understanding your child for who they are will help you on your journey of becoming a better parent.

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