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Recently, a parent told me that she’s completely cutting her children off the TV/screen and I asked why.


She said, “I think I have abused it and it’s affecting my children. My youngest especially, he’s not developing as he should”.


Interestingly, I also read a post online asking parents, “Do you enjoy watching cartoons with your kids when you take them to the cinema or you’re just there to entertain or escort them?”.


There were of course several responses. Someone said, I don’t miss that part of parenting and attending soccer games. Another read, “I always take my daughter to movies I want to see; another says, I only watch things that I enjoy with my kids. My hubby doesn’t though, he’ll put on whatever he wants”. Some went further to say that it depends on the movie. “I’ve taken my young nieces to some movies that made me want to ask for my money back and some movies made me excited too”, another responded Personally, before now I did not want to sit for an hour or more watching a cartoon with my children. To be honest, I saw it as a complete waste of time until I became very intentional with my parenting.


First, this is not about whether or not cartoons/movies are bad for your children. It is about what you do when they’re watching it.


Ideally, you should do this before your child sees any cartoon or movie.


  • Research the content before watching. This is the wise and advisable thing to do.


  • You can also watch the movie/cartoon before time to check its suitability for your children.


  • Reading reviews and ratings can help you know if it’s age-appropriate content.


Having said that, the fact remains that we cannot completely take cartoons/movies away from our children.


Also, every child loves and enjoys their cartoons/movies especially if it is their favorite character.   Some of them have great educational, safe and positive content for our children to learn and it is also entertaining and relaxing for them.  Therefore, completely taking it off, especially for older children is not advisable.


Here’s my question for parents.


What do you do when you’re watching or seeing a movie with your child? Press your phone while they do the watching? Watch it alongside because you didn’t have a choice so you just use it as an opportunity to buy time? Or do you see it as the most boring part of your parenting?

Well, I’m here to let you understand that it is one thing to get your child to watch a movie or cartoon, it is another thing to know what to do with them when they’re watching it.


Dear intentional parents, anytime your children are sitting watching a cartoon or movie, take advantage of that moment to sit with them. I know sometimes it is not always an easy task but intentionality is the KEY if we want to parent effectively.


Here is what to do;

Ask them questions about the characters they’re watching. Sometimes purse the TV, and asks them questions like: “What would you do if you were the one”, do you think his friends are being kind to him? Is it fair what the parents are doing to her? How will that make you feel? or I just like the fact that she’s able to stay focused despite what her friends did to her, what do you think, why are they all laughing so hard? Oh! No, she must have hurt her knee with that fall, I feel sad that she did not share her cake with her, would you share your cake if you were the one?  Why is everyone being pressured because of their task? Have you ever felt pressured? Do you know I feel pressure sometimes when I have deadlines at work? Can you see how frustrated she is over her homework, oh, that shows kindness and the list goes on and on.


These are all different ways to make it as interactive as possible.


Talk about the emotions you see in the characters.  For younger children especially, the more you talk to them, the more you build their powerful brains and the more you set them up for success in school and life. Talking to them also helps develop empathy which in turn helps them understand how emotions can control behaviors and their effect on us.


You know what, you will not only build a connection with your children but will help them learn how to self-regulate and at the same time create lasting memories that they will take to adulthood.


I hope this answers your question on how to handle your children watching cartoons or movies.

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