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Parenting isn’t just about providing for our children’s basic needs; it’s about laying the foundation for their future, spiritually, socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. Today, we’re diving into a profound topic that lies at the heart of this mission: “What It Means to Train Up a Child in the Way He Should Go.” This foundation is crucial because it shapes the very essence of who your child will become, influencing their character, their values, and ultimately, their destiny.

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This verse carries a timeless truth that transcends generations, reminding us of the lasting impact our guidance can have on our children’s lives.

Understanding Proverbs 22:6

This is one of the most quoted and sometimes misquoted verses in the Bible. Some of us even have a song about it. But beyond its familiarity, it’s essential to understand the depth of its meaning, which offers profound insights into the role we play in our children’s lives.

We often think God is promising us that if we train our children well, when they grow old, they’ll not depart from it. But the truth is, this verse is actually a warning to parents who let their children grow up without any guidance. It’s a reminder that parenting is hard work, a journey, and neglecting this responsibility can have serious consequences. It’s a warning to parents who allow their children to go their own way, and remember, children who are left on their own are likely to go down the wrong path.

No wonder Proverbs 22:15 says, “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child.” Solomon understood that children are not able to make informed decisions and choices on their own. This is why “train up a child in the way he should go” requires you to understand that YOU have a unique role in helping your child discover how GOD has equipped him and how they can use their God-given potential in a positive way.
Your involvement is key in shaping their future, helping them make choices that align with their strengths and purpose.

The Role of Parents in Shaping Values

It also means, as parents, it’s your responsibility to teach your children what matters to GOD. This goes beyond mere instruction; it’s about embodying these values in your daily life so your children can see them in action. This does not in any way imply that you force your children into certain beliefs and ideologies, but rather that you teach them real-life values every day with your life, demonstrating real faith to them, not through yelling and arguing with your spouse, because they are watching and learning from what they see you do.
It is important that your life reflects God’s image for them to see on a daily basis. Consistency in your actions reinforces the values you wish to impart, creating a stable and nurturing environment where your children can thrive.

Leading by Example

As parents, we have influence over our children; they watch everything we do, good or bad. They emulate the things we do daily. Our actions serve as a template for their behavior, and it’s up to us to ensure that template is one worth following.

Ephesians 5:1-2 reminds us to be imitators of GOD, to walk in love as Christ loves us. This should be a reminder that our children are in our care, and we should be good examples for them to look up to. Being an example of Christ’s love in your home not only guides your children but also promotes a loving and supportive family environment. They will learn how to talk and how to love by watching us do the same. While they imitate us, we are imitating Christ. By doing so, they will learn what it means to follow Christ when they grow up. This cyclical process of imitation ensures that the legacy of faith and love is passed down through generations.

Building a Solid Foundation
Again, whether we like it or not, our children are going to grow up and become adults. This means that whatever we do matters and will lead to either a positive or negative impact. The seeds we plant today will determine the kind of adults our children will become, making our role all the more critical.

The verse “Train up a child in the way he should go” exposes us to the fact that there is a way a child should be raised in order to set a solid foundation for the child to grow so that when he grows up, he will not depart from that foundation you’ve built. This foundation is not just about rules and discipline; it’s about nurturing a child’s character, faith, and ability to make wise choices.

This foundation simply means the positive values you’ve embedded in your child. Just like everything has a manual, every child needs a manual to grow. Finding and following this manual, unique to each child, is one of the most important tasks we have as parents. There is a blueprint for training a child, but it’s our responsibility as parents to find it. See Judges 13:8 for the case of Samson and his mother. That is deliberately dedicating your child according to his own way.

Understanding Your Child’s Unique Path
Again, what would be the rule and the work of your child is your responsibility. As parents, it’s important we understand our children’s temperament or personalities, their strengths, weaknesses, learning styles, and all. This understanding allows us to tailor our approach to each child’s unique needs, ensuring they receive the guidance that will best help them grow.

To train means to equip them for a particular task. It also means to dedicate them for a particular purpose, to set them on a path to godliness and maturity, instead of leaving them to figure it all out by themselves. This intentionality in parenting helps children feel supported and understood, empowering them to pursue their God-given potential. The direction of your child’s life is not set by you nor them, but rather it is set by GOD and coached by you, the parents. This is why you need the blueprint or their manual.

The Depth of Parental Responsibility

Dear parents, it is important you understand your role as parents. Some of us think it’s just to provide food, shelter, and love, but no, that is not all there is to training a child. Our role is much deeper, touching on the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual growth of our children. Your role is to train them in the way they should go. For your children not to depart, you must help them form the way they’re thinking about things right now. This early guidance is crucial in setting the trajectory for their future choices and actions.

It is very important to prepare them for it in their early years because this is when habits are formed that last into adulthood. The patterns and behaviours they develop now will influence their entire lives, making early training all the more essential.

It also means we should channel their conduct in the way of wisdom. Wisdom is not just about knowledge; it’s about applying that knowledge in ways that honor God and benefit others. This is dedicating them to God and preparing them for future responsibilities and adulthood. It means we should train our children in the way of wisdom to live in the fear of God. Instilling a reverence for God in your children lays the groundwork for a life lived in alignment with His will.

And also remember that if you don’t train your child today, you would be setting a trap for them tomorrow because it takes proper training to bring out the treasure in a child. Your investment in their training today will determine the kind of person they become tomorrow, making every effort you put into their upbringing incredibly valuable.



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