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Sometimes it comes as a result of our childhood experiences, no wonder you would hear some parents say things like:  Is OK, let her have the tablet after all I didn’t have it while growing up, or you would hear a child say, mummy can I have chocolate? Yes, you can, few minutes later, the same child is coming to ask for another set of chocolate or lollipops and that’s when you would hear the parent say, is fine, she’s only been a child, is one of those things that comes with childhood just leave her to get whatever she wants.

Another is,  when you do everything  for your child including tidying up their rooms, washing their dishes even when you truly know that these are age-appropriate task  and instead of allowing or teaching your child  how to do them, you’d rather do them yourself with the justification of “ don’t worry, I would help you, you have loads of time to do dish washing in your adulthood and I’m here wondering;  is it when he gets to adulthood that he would learn how to do chores or before he gets there?

Again, it is over-parenting, where parents overly protect their child from injuries, you want to be in control of their decision making, you do everything in your power to avoid any form of discomfort or anything that will literally make them share tears. You just want them happy at all times. The truth is, it is not your job to do so.

Another form of entitlement mentality is, let’s assume you took your son to a barbing salon to cut his hair and afterwards, you remind him to say thank you and the next thing you’re hearing is, but that’s his job or you took your child to a restaurant and after eating,  you say, hey johnny, you didn’t even say thank you and you  hear him say, but I paid for it.  It is when your child cannot say “thank you” after a service is rendered because he feels he’s paid for it.

Dear intentional parent, if you’re guilty of any of these, believe me you’re doing yourself and your child a disservice and you’re nothing, but teaching them to be entitled, this can lead a child to having low self-esteem and other future consequences alongside. Remember that anything that will affect your child negatively is not a BLESSING.

One Comment

  • Maria says:

    I love this post. It will bless many that take correction and begin to do it right. It’s not too late to change. Thank you very much for sharing this.

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